Anthropological Museum in Mysore – Karnataka

Anthropological MuseumManav Bhawan, BogadiMysore, Karnataka Anthropological Survey of The Anthropological Museum is a treasure trove of objects and weapons used by the South Indian communities, primarily the tribal communities, …

Is “brick house” the only sign of development? – West Bengal

Dr. Boro Baski; translated from Bengali to English by Asha BaskiOriginally published in Anandabazar Patrika (India’s most widely read Bengali daily) I was born in a Santal village in Birbhun …

eBook | Books that foster a sense of oneness with nature and fellow humans – Kalpavriksh

Kalpavriksh believes that a country can develop meaningfully only when ecological sustainability and social equity are guaranteed, and a sense of respect for, and oneness with nature, and fellow humans …

India’s first community getting its forest rights recognised: living in the core area of a tiger reserve – Karnataka

Amoolya Rajappa, 5 October 2018 | Read the full report and view more photos here >> The Soligas created history by becoming the first tribal community living in the core area …

eBook | Lessons from the Kattunayakan and Soliga tribal communities: Recent studies on better forest fire management – Tamil Nadu & Karnataka

Notes from the Other Side of a Forest Fire by Tarsh Thekaekara, Abi Tamim Vanak, Ankila J Hiremath, Nitin D Rai, Jayashree Ratnam, Raman Sukumar in Economic & Political Weekly, June …

Tip | Educational resources and information on indigenous customs: Wiki Resource for Indian Biodiversity

Nelumbo nucifera (Sacred Lotus) – the National Flower of India. Find out more national and state symbols of India here >> We strongly believe that knowledge is the first step towards any kind of …

Unique lifestyle and culture of Soligas in the forest area near Chamarajanagar – Karnataka

Deccan Herald, Chamarajanagar, Mar 21, 2012 MP R Dhruvanarayan stressed the Centre that soligas living in the forest area coming under Chamarajanagar Lok Sabha constituency limits should be included in …